Meng Eye Specialist was Cambodia's first Eye Care Center specializing exclusively in ophthalmology, the medical and surgical care of the eyes. The Eye Care Center combines excellence in medical and surgical procedures, investment in the latest technology, and the highest standards of safety to care for your eyes. Meng Eye Specialist is also the only joint venture of Rutnin Eye Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. 

Meng Eye Specialist offers many kinds of treatment of eye diseases such as:

- Cataract surgery using the latest technology in Phacoemulsification
- Glaucoma surgery and laser treatment
- Vitrectomy 
- Diabetic retinopathy treatment with laser, injections and surgery 
- Retinal detachment surgery 
- Strabismus surgery 
- Blepharoplasty 

Founded in 2001 by Professor Dr. Ngy Meng MD. Meng Eye Specialist was Cambodia's first private Eye Care Center specalizing exclusively in Ophthalmology, the medical and surgical care of the eyes.

Our full-support facilities include an outpatient clinic and day surgery unit. Always a leader in introducing new and proven technology to our country, we provide our patients with every opportunity for maintaining healthy eyes.

Meng Eye Specialist was established on the sound foundation of excellence in medical and surgical procedures, investment in technology, the highest standard of cleanliness and safety, all provided in the comfort and convenience of private care. The practice flourished from a small clinic into a complete medical and ophthalmic care center, well know for its high quality eye care.

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